Hello and welcome back for another update on the comings and goings of the box leagues!
It’s been a quiet one this week with only 3 matches played, presumably due to the Club champs getting up and running and off to a great start! but with now only 2 weeks to get your games in, it’s time to look snappy!
In Box 1 Abid remains king of the hill, with no other matches played.
In Box 2, Craig Bennett makes his debut to the rotation with a 3-2 win over Paul Wynne. The 2 games to Paul were enough to give him 3 points and raise him above Jonny Neil, but it also makes him the second person this rotation to complete all of his matches. Currently in second place, but only 4 points ahead of the current last place, all it takes is for Jonny, Taso or Craig to play a match and that position will slip. Paul is banking now on having time on his side!
Box 3 remains unchanged with Edith in the top spot.
Box 4 deals a blow to myself after losing 3-1 to Adrian in a close match with two 16-14 wins for Adrian. This is enough to stick Adrian up to the top of the box, and for me to float precariously at 2nd from bottom, I’ll need to beat Jonathan next Tuesday for any hope at all of avoiding relegation!
Box 5 is also unchanged with Robyn comfortably taking first place.
Box 6 is also unchanged with not a single match played so far this rotation!
Box 7 remains unchanged with Archie sitting in 1st place, but with several people snapping at his heels.
Box 8 is unchanged with Jaime dominating, it’s going to be interesting to see how far this man can climb!
In Box 9 Alex puts a spanner in Hugh’s ambitions for 1st place. The 3-2 win for Alex keeps him in contention for promotion, but for Hugh it now means he needs to play both of his remaining matches and win at least one of them to have a chance of taking 1st place from Angela.
Box 10 also remains unchanged this week, with Ann having completed and won all of her matches, it’s now just a scramble for 2nd place and promotion between the remaining players.
Keep it up everyone! only 2 weeks left!