Squash is a superb sport for all to play, it’s got so many benefits. Don’t take our word for it – even Forbes Magazine voted it the No.1 healthiest sport to play!
It’s great sport at all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, the one thing you can be sure of is that you’ll find it addictive! Joining a club is one of the best ways to improve our game. You’ll meet a wider variety of people who play, and give you motivation to beat newly discovered opponents. It’s a great sport to have as a hobby, because wherever you go, you can always find a squash club to play at. There are very few sports that give you the fitness benefits of squash along with the social benefits!
Great for men and women, young and old, squash really is the all round sport. Ideal for all ages, it’s great for helping develop hand-eye coordination and fitness in younger players. Squash can also easily be adapted for older players who often play racketball. It’s affordable, and perfect for a busy lifestyle.
The best thing about it is that you feel the benefits of fitness without it being a chore like the gym – chasing after the ball is your only concern!
A friendly, inclusive club where the membership size and quality has grown incredibly in the time I’ve been a member. Whether you’re looking for a friendly hit or a competitive edge, this is the club for you!
[/vc_udesign_quote]WHY PLAY AT SCOTSTOUN?
Scotstoun is the largest squash club in Glasgow, with six glass-backed squash courts, built in 2013. Built for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, the facility can host both singles and doubles squash and with a large seating area for spectating. We are affiliated to both Scottish Squash and West Squash, who can help you on your road to improve.
Whatever you’re looking for, we’ve got it at Scotstoun. We have a full-time coach, we have sessions for all standards to improve. We have the most teams playing in the West leagues. We have lots on for men, women and children. We really a community club and we want to grow the sport of squash to help everyone!
The members at Scotstoun Eagles Squash Club pride themselves on creating a vibrant, friendly and supportive community for players of all standards. With a wide variety of sessions for both adults and children on every week, it’s easy to come along and get a great run around. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hand, we have sessions that will be both enjoyable and helpful.
All of this is open to the public – non-members are just as welcome as members!